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Chapter 8
The Doctor Is InColds And Flu The cold symptoms in a ferret are similar to those in a human - runny nose and sneezing. As long as the ferret is breathing properly, see that it stays warming gets plenty of liquids, food and rest. If the congestion is heavy, a quarter teaspoon of children's Sudaphed, or similar product, given up to three times a day will relieve some of the symptoms. Put the Sudaphed in your hand and add diluted the ferretone or linetone. Let your ferret lap it up. Be very careful about squirting anything directly in the ferret's mouth. If it should aspirate the medication, the ferret could develop a form of chronic pneumonia. If the symptoms persist for more than five days or the ferret seems especially listless and does not eat or drink, see your veterinarian at once. Colds are more serious in ferret than in humans and can quickly developed into pneumonia. A 1/8 tablet dose of aspirin may be used to ease pain or reduce swelling from an injury. It is best to administer this only on the advice of veterinarian, however, as the aspirin may lead to increased internal bleeding in the event of a serious injury. Intestinal Blockage Protruding Rectum Swollen Vulva Falling Sick Ferret If your ferret stops eating in drinking for any length of time is a sure sign of illness and worth a trip to the veterinarian. Pay particular attention to signs of dehydration which quickly lead to death. Often this is due to a prolonged bout of diarrhea. One quick check is too scruff the skin over the ferret shoulders. Release the skin and it should quickly spring back into place. If it does not, this is a sign of severe dehydration. You need to get your ferret to a veterinarian as quickly as possible! In the case of severe diarrhea, if you cannot get to a vet right away, Pepto Bismol, administered in one third teaspoon doses three times a day may control it until you can get to that. The animal will need plenty of water too, even if you have to force a down the syringe or eyedropper. Place the syringe or eyedropper in the corner of the ferret's mouth between the lip and teeth. Squeeze slowly so as to allow the ferret to drink the liquid. Squeezing too fast will cause the ferret to joke. Remember, severe diarrhea is life-threatening to an animal as small as a ferret. Get the ferret to a vet as soon as possible. If you're concerned that your ferret is not eating, make sure it really is not eating. Confined to its cage. Make sure the litter box is freshly filled and that there is a measured amounts of food and water so that you contract both input and output carefully. You may find that your critter has a stash of food someplace and is chowing down regularly out of sight. One recipe that very often works to stimulate the appetite of a sick ferret is called duck soup, named in honor of a ferret named Lucky Duck, for whom the recipe was first concocted. 1/2 cup of high-quality, dry kitten food 1 8 cup (approximately about equal to the volume of one regular ice cube) of suspect now or equivalent liquid, nondairy food supplement, found in most grocery and drugstores in eight ounce cans. Ferrets seem to like Strawberry the best but any flavor except chocolate is fine. Pour the remaining Sustical into an ice cube tray and freeze. After his frozen the suspect elk cubes will keep for several weeks in a plastic bag in your freezer. 1 and 1/2 inch ribbon of Nutrical / Nutistat (interest that is available at many pet shops. It is a high calorie food supplement used for many animals). Ferretone / linetone - a pump if desired. Place the kitten food in a small bowl. And sufficient hot water to soften. Mash thoroughly with a fork (it is better to use a blender). And more water as necessary to make a stiff paste. Stir in the Nutrical and ferretone if desired the mixture should be the consistency of a thin paste or thick soup. You can and more water if necessary to make a very thin mixture if you have to force feeding the ferret within eyedropper. Again, if you have to force feed, put the mixture in the corner of the first mouth between the lip and teeth and let it eat the mixture from there. Check the temperature before you begin feeding. It should be warm, not hot. You may microwave the mixture if necessary to warm it, but be sure to stir well and make sure that there are no hot spots. Feed the ferret all it will eat. Cover and refrigerate any left over it will keep approximately one day. Microwave to re-warm. Remember to check the temperature of any microwaved portion carefully parts of the mixture may feel only warm but other parts may be hot. Most ferrets will keep duck soup eagerly. It's high in fact, has proteins from the kitten chow and vitamins and minerals from the Sustical and Nutrical, as well as water. Don't make a steady diet of this after your ferret recovers. It's regular food is best for long-term nurse with. Another food option is strained chicken baby food. You can warm this slightly in the microwave oven. Place a little on your finger and run it on the gums to see if you can entice the ferret to eat on its own. Heartworm Hidden dangers because ferrets are so curious, they often find themselves in situations that are life-threatening. The empty cardboard tubes from toilet paper and paper towels are just large enough for if the ferret to get its head stuck inside. If you aren't around to remove it, the ferret will panic often to the point of severely lacerating its tongue or rupturing its larynx. Take a few seconds to tears such tubes lengthwise before discarding them. Ferrets like to tunnel under things. Throw rugs or small area rugs are great places to play until someone steps on the rug. The very cautious for you step. A ferret makes a small bump under a rug that is very difficult to see. Always watch where you step. A similar danger exists for couch and sofa cushions although here, the danger is sitting rather than stepping on the burrowing critter. When you open your refrigerator, make sure your ever curious ferret has not decided to climb inside to see what's new. Same goes for washers, dryers and dishwashers. When you do laundry, make sure that the dirty clothes do not included a sleeping ferret.
Lost Ferret To a curious ferret, the door to the outside is just the door to another room. Given even half a chance it will dart out between your legs without you ever seeing it leave. Once out it will go into its explore mode, quickly become lost in starve if it is not found soon. First, if you can't find your ferret, check the home thoroughly again. Often the ferret is simply misplaced and hasn't escaped. A second look around the house may reveal that it has decided to take a nap in some strange, never before visited place in the house right under your nose. If it is lost, contact the police, animal control officer and local shelters. It pays to advertise too. Put in and in the local newspapers and place posters around the neighborhood, particularly where children are likely to congregate (schools, clubs, playgrounds, ball fields). For an offer of a rewarded, you can recruit a medium-sized army of children. Ferrets have been found several miles from home so don't necessarily restrict your posters to the block for you live. If you can, place its cage and bedding, with food and water outside. It might locate it should it stumble on its own sent and find its way back. You may just be fortunate to look inside and find your wayward pet looking back to wondering where you've been. The Final Word
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