Ferret World
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8

Chapter 6


Picture 13

Play, Play, Play

The domestic ferret is a packrat.  It will take anything that interested in drag it off to its hidy hole, which is usually into or under a couch, bed or chair.  This may include Sauk's both clean and dirty, full well,, keys, hairbrushes and combs, pencils and pens, jewelry, slippers, TV remote controls, and anything small enough for a determined ferret to drag off.  Usually these will stay hidden and not constitute an everyday toy. 

Ferrets seem to love toys that squeak.  Normally these are made of vinyl rubber.  The major problem with these toys is the ferrets sharp teeth.  They well in very short order culture and tear the toy.  The risk for ingestion of the pieces and possible intestinal blockage is high. 

One possible approach to the ferret having its toy and not eating it too is to put the toy in an old sock and time not in the into the stock to keep the toy work can't be eaten.  Not only does it protect the toy itself but the sock is a toy all by itself.  Other possibilities are squeak toys that are contained in fake fur or in lambs wool coverings.  Please our typical cat or dog toys.  Inspect all toys periodically.  If they appear to be eating it, it is time for a new toy. 

A flexible dryer hose makes a great toy that will satisfy the ferrets tunneling instincts.  These calm in various lengths from about four feet to 50 feet or longer.  I recommend running a strip of duct tape around the age to keep the sharp wire inside the hose from working loose.  Ferrets never seem to tire of running through the hose.  To make it more interesting by some round, plastic, four inch in diameter downspout Y and T connectors and took several pieces of dryer tube together using duct tape.  You can make fairly complex amazes that will entertain a curious ferret for hours every day.  Two or more ferrets will indent games based on these hoses and it will be entertaining for you as well as for them. 

If you have space for it and an area that will allow for it, a sandbox is a very entertaining play area for a ferret.  They love to dig in a sandbox full of clean sand will satisfy their digging urge.  Most will quickly learn all kinds of new games including "make a pattern" and "sand snorkeling".  You can hide some of their smaller toys in the sand for them to find.  They will sling the sand while digging so this is not recommended for your living room. 


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